Self Care: Weekly Practice
Just as the daily practices that I've posted about have helped me to maintain a positive attitude, a set of weekly practices have also been useful. You can download a PDF file with the "Friday File" from the link at the bottom of this page or on the Resources page or here. This file will guide you through a process to implement the ideas discussed.
Weekly Practices Explained
Friday File:
This ‘habit’ - of pausing at the end of a week to take stock comes rom Stephen Covey and his Seven Habits. The key is to focus on the positive - what you have achieved. This can be very uplifting! It can be quite small things that matter to you. I also like to find a comfortable space to do my Friday File. Not at my desk, but somewhere cheery. The Friday File has two aspects: looking back at the week and looking forward to the coming week.
Everyone says it's a good idea to stay in touch with other people. I suggest using an adapted version of the “Five Emails Principle” discussed by Eric Barker, March, 2014: I’ve kept the first three Emails suggested by Barker: 1) Send a friend, family member or co-worker an email to say thanks for something; 2) Update as appropriate, to sum up what you’ve accomplished or how things are unfolding; 3) Email a good friend and make plans. Staying in touch keeps friendships alive. I’ve changed the final two Emails to focus on different questions which I’ve found more linked to my cancer/treatment experience: 4) To offer support or encouragement to someone else; and 5) Reach out – to a mentor or a fellow traveller. Could be to someone who has knowledge or experience relevant to your treatment or anything on your mind.
The Coming Week:
You can’t do it all – particularly when you’re in the midst of treatment. Use “This Week’s List” to select the things you want to get done (or started) in the week ahead. The [A] column is for Appointments. The [F] column is for things that you can do anytime - flexible or fluid. Tag them to a day if that helps you get a focus and flow for the week. It can be a very short list! I kept a full list of ‘to do’ or recall or follow up in a personal file at
The Most Important Thing:
Identifying the most important thing(s) to be achieved in the coming week can give you needed focus. This will give you a bit of focus and help you shape the week to be a step forward to wellness. Generally, see:
Personal Affirmation:
Complete the sentence: “I am….” Pick something positive and pertinent that will affirm you and remind you of your good qualities and strength! Let that affirmation carry you through the week.
Happy reflecting!